1. Course Description
    = 교과목 설명 또는 개요 =
    우리 대학의 교육목표(1. 진리를 탐구하는 창의적 전문가 육성, 2. 정의를 구현하는 윤리적 지성인 육성, 3. 사랑을 실천하는 전인적 지도자 육성) 중에서 특히 “정의를 구현하는 윤리적 지성인 육성”과 “사랑을 실천하는 전인적 지도자 육성”을 실현하기 위하여, 현대 지성인들에게 필요한 윤리적 덕목들과 리더십 및 계명정신을 공부하고, 이를 실제 봉사활동을 통해 익힘으로써 계명정신의 핵심인 ‘섬김의 리더십’을 함양하도록 한다. 아울러 이 교과목의 학습과정에서 계명정신의 실천 덕목인 청결?정직?절약?융합이 자연스럽게 몸에 배도록 유도한다.

    = 수업목표 =
    1. 계명대학교의 설립과 발전의 역사를 조감하는 가운데 계명정신의 요체인 비전, 개척정신, 봉사정신을 알아보고, 계명인의 리더십으로서의 섬김의 리더십(Servant Leadership)을 배우고 익힌다.
    2. 계명정신의 실천 덕목인 청결?정직?절약?융합에 대해 알아보고, 우리의 삶속에서 이를 실행으로 옮기고 몸에 배게 할 수 있는 방안을 찾아본다.
    3. 사회봉사 활동에 참가하여 섬김을 실행에 옮겨봄으로써 세계와 사회에 대한 나의 사명을 자각하도록 한다.
    4. 학생들에게 계명인상을 심어주고 학교에 대한 자긍심을 가지도록 유도한다
  2. Course Objectives
    Successful competition of this course will enable students to
    1. Understand the foundational ethos of Keimyung University;
    2. Understand their identities as ones who are called to realize the ethos to bring light to the world for constructing the kingdom of heaven;
    3. Initiate life time journey of exploring and realizing the meaning of their lives in connection to higher ends that go beyond the limits of their self-interests;
    4. Enhance sense of responsibilities to make positive changes on the lives of others with their gifts, and;
    5. Grown into a compassionate servant leader following the footsteps of the founding members of the University.
  3. Teachnig Method
    This course will be highly engaging and fun; high level of student participation in and out of classroom will be encouraged and expected. Students are encouraged to participate in discussions and dialogues. Students are expected to participate in community services of their own choice, reflect upon the meaning of the services, and share their experiences with other fellow class mates through presentations and discussions.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    There are no prerequisite for this course. However, students are expected

    1. To read the text book before attending the class.
    2. To respect a professor and other fellow class mates.
    (No eating, no talking or texting on phones, no sleeping,being on time to class, etc).

    I will request those students who sleep to leave the class and there will be penalty.
  7. Practical application of the course
    This course will help students to establish their identities as a members of extended Keimyung University family that is called to bring light to the world, and enhance their self-esteem. It seeks to motivate students study harder while staying at the University by helping them to understand the meaning of their study in connection to higher ends they are called to accomplish.
  8. Reference