1. Course Description
    회계원리는 경영학의 기초전공 교과목으로 기업의 경영활동에서 파생되는 다양한 거래와 사건에 대한 인식과 측정 및 보고행위에 대한 이론과 실무적 능력을 배양하는 과목이다. 이 과목을 통해 경영대학 학생으로서 기초전공 소양과 기업에 대한 폭넓은 이해 그리고 전문적 지식을 습득하게 된다.
  2. Course Objectives
    After completing the course, you should be:

    1. able to understand and prepare basic financial statements;
    2. able to identify and analyze financial reporting issues;
    3. proficient in the accounting standard including IFRS;
    4. be able to understand the basic accounting theory.
  3. Teachnig Method
    The structure of this course is a combination of lectures and problem solving. Students are expected to read the relevant chapter material and attempt to solve the recommended problems PRIOR TO class. Most of the recommended problems will be covered in class.

    The students will be given group assignments for evaluation and assessment on the topics discussed. The students are encouraged to conduct group discussion in solving assignments and sharing of ideas with other group members. Late submissions will be penalized by 10% if the assignment is not received on the due date. A further penalty of 10% will be applied to each subsequent day.

    Since the attendance is an important part of grade, it is highly recommended to attend classes except for illness or a family crisis. If the lecture is missed for acceptable reasons and documented evidence is provided, your attendance will be accepted. Students are responsible for all information provided in class (announcements, lectures, problem analysis, etc.). If you cannot make the class, it is suggested that you arrange with someone else in the class to provide you with the information you missed. Questions about exam coverage will not be answered outside of class.

    Absence from an examination will be treated as a score of zero unless documented evidence of illness or a family crisis is provided. In the event that a midterm examination (a final examination) is missed for acceptable reasons, no make-ups will be given. Instead, the credit assigned to the missed work will be reallocated to the final examination (midterm examination).

  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    1)A simple calculator
    2)Basic stationary

    The student is responsible for reading applicable topics prior to coverage in class!
  7. Practical application of the course
    Material covered in this course will help students gain a basic understanding of the responsibilities and tasks performed by accounting professionals in the "realworld".
  8. Reference