1. Course Description
    The main goal of this course is to introduce you to some of the most important ideas and research in the field of persuasion and social influence through the lens of social psychology. The course is primarily concerned with the social and psychological processes involved in persuading others and persuading yourself. You will learn to identify and analyze methods of persuasion used in interpersonal situations, business, advertising, and mass communication. Through in-class activities, we will try to apply these techniques and ideas to real-life situations. This course is appropriate for all students, regardless of major or background.
  2. Course Objectives
    1- to become more convincing 2- to understand how the human mind works 3- to understand how businesses convince us to buy
  3. Teachnig Method
    Students are expected to pay close attention to what is going on in the class, stay fully engaged, and actively participate in group and class discussions. You will lose class participation points for distraction and disengagement during the class. Half of the class time is spent on group activities, you will talk/discuss/debate in your team. If you are not interested in class activities and discussion, this is not a good class for you. There will be two exams, one at midterm and a second exam during finals week. Each exam covers half of the course, and is entirely in English. The exam will include multiple-choice and short answer questions. There will be a few assignments, which will be posted in the CTL,during the first week of the semester. All important announcements and deadlines will be posted on the CTL. It is the students' responsibility to frequently check the CTL website. However, do not use the CTL to communicate with me. Use my email address instead.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    0-1 absence = 10 2 ab.= 7 3-4 ab.= 5 5-7 ab.= 0 8 or more ab.= F (not negotiable)
  6. Requiments
    English language: If you are not a perfect English speaker, but your reading comprehension and listening are reasonably good, you may still be able to get a good grade in this class. However, if you cannot understand the lectures, you will be in trouble,or possibly fail.
  7. Practical application of the course
    Insights from this course can be used in business, counseling, branding, advertisement, negotiation, and everyday life.
  8. Reference