1. Course Description
    Communication EnglishⅡ is designed to give students the vocabulary and fluency they need to effectively communicate in English on a variety of topics that come up in everyday life. Students will learn basic vocabulary and grammar forms and functions associated with different themes and then expand on these familiar patterns to create more advanced conversations. GoalsoftheCourse: - toincreaseusablevocabularyandexpressions - todevelopcommunicationstrategies - toincreasestudents'fluency - togivestudentstheconfidencetoholdacasualEnglishconversation
  2. Course Objectives
    To improve student’s functionality of speaking, reading, and writing in English. The course will focus primarily on the speaking and conversation component of learning the English language. Students are expected to attend every class, participate freely in classroom activities, respect your instructor and classmates, and follow instructions provided by the instructor.
  3. Teachnig Method
    1. Don't be late to class.Anyone more than 20 minutes late to class will be marked absent. 2. Bring your book, a notebook & pen/pencil to every class. 3. No use of phones for personal use. 4. Pay attention and work hard. 5. Finish your homework on time.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    basic knowledge of English
  7. Practical application of the course
    The practicality of the course is to help students improve their English language skills to be used throughout life, whether at the workplace, traveling, or just trying to communicate with non-Korean people. Students will gain confidence to use their existing English skills.
  8. Reference