1. Course Description
    Communication EnglishⅡ is designed to give students the vocabulary and fluency they need to effectively communicate in English on a variety of topics that come up in everyday life. Students will learn basic vocabulary and grammar forms and functions associated with different themes and then expand on these familiar patterns to create more advanced conversations. GoalsoftheCourse: - toincreaseusablevocabularyandexpressions - todevelopcommunicationstrategies - toincreasestudents'fluency - togivestudentstheconfidencetoholdacasualEnglishconversation
  2. Course Objectives
    - Improve overall English skills - Expose the students to basic English knowledge of urban planning & design - Gain confidence to speak English with other students as well as foreigners
  3. Teachnig Method
    - 16 weeks of classes (Tue 13:30 - 15:00, Fri 9:00 - 10:30) - Lectures and class discussions are central parts of the teaching process - Discussions and questions/answers with the students to improve the understanding of the lecture content - Students must always bring their books and material to class - When working in groups, students have to speak in English - Do not be afraid to try to speak in English with the professor and other students. Practice makes perfect!
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    1)Attendance: 10% 2)Participation in class: 20% (including TOEIC 5%) 3)Mid-term exam: 25% 4)Final exam: 30% 5)Assignments (quizzes): 15%
  6. Requiments
    - Bring your books and material - Participate, be active and speak in English as much as possible
  7. Practical application of the course
    - Learn English for daily conversations - Start to learn basics of English related to urban planning & design - Get comfortable speaking English in front of other students and foreigners
  8. Reference