1. Course Description
    This course is a continuation of High Level Programming I. It introduces the C++ language with particular emphasis on its objectoriented features. Topics covered include stylistic and usage differences between C and C++, namespaces, function and operator overloading, classes, inheritance, class and function templates, STL lists, and vectors.
  2. Course Objectives
    After successfully completing this course, the student should be able to read, write, and understand much of the introductory C++ programming language. Specifically, students will be able to: 1. Understand the differences between imperative programming (CS120) and object-oriented programming. 2. Understand the concept of data abstraction and inheritance. 3. Understand the concept of interface versus implementation. 4. Understand the challenges of building large-scale programs and how object-oriented programming facilitates it. 5. Understand the built-in libraries and how to use them effectively in problem solving. 6. Apply the course concepts to implement data structures and programs to solve various problems. The successful student will be prepared for the next programming course in the sequence (CS 225 Advanced C/C++) and will be able to use the C++ language in the third semester game course.
  3. Teachnig Method
    Attendance is mandatory. There are no makeup exams. Also, for every lecture that is missed, you will lose one point from your final grade (e.g. a 90 becomes an 89). The only exceptions are if you notify me prior to your absence (or shortly thereafter if you were unable to notify me due to illness) with a valid reason. (Sleeping, studying for another class, working on your game, etc., are not valid reasons for an absence.) For freshmen courses, such as CS170, there is a school-wide DigiPen Freshmen Attendance Policy that must be followed. Read it on the website. Academic Honesty All homework/lab assignments and exams must represent your own, individual work. It is permissible to discuss assignments (not solutions) with other students in the class, but the solutions must be recognizably your own. Cheating of any kind (copying someone else's work, allowing others to copy your work, collaborating, etc.) will not be tolerated and will be dealt with SEVERELY (at the discretion of the instructor, which may likely include removal from the class with a grade of F.) Please keep in mind that discussing solutions to exams, homework, etc. with students that haven't taken the exam or turned in the assignment is also prohibited. Plagiarism is a common form of academic dishonesty. This takes the form of copying and pasting excerpts from the web and representing them as original work. The type and severity of any occurrence, as well as the legitimacy of any claim of academic dishonesty will be judged by the instructor and the disciplinary committee. All students are asked to help in promoting a culture of academic integrity by discouraging cheating in all forms. Ultimately, you are only wasting your time (and money) because if you can't master the fundamentals covered in this course, you have little hope of succeeding in other courses or as a programmer in the Real World. From The "It-shouldn't-need-to-be-said-but..." Department During class, all electronic devices should be turned
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
    C++ Desktop (Windows/Linux) development.
  8. Reference