1. Course Description
    전기전자공학개론 교과목은 전기전자공학 관련 분야를 전공하고자 하는 저학년 학생이 전체적으로 개론적인 개념 파악을 하고자 하는 경우와 비 전기전자공학 관련분야를 전공하는 학생이 전기전자공학에 대한 전반적인 기초 개념을 공부하고자 하는 경우 필수적인 교과목이다. 본 교과목에서는 직류, 교류, 기초전자공학, 특화 소자와 시스템의 전기전자공학 분야의 네 가지 큰 주제에 대해서 학습한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    Upon successful completion of this course, the students should be expected to have knowledge in the following area: • Fundamentals of Electrics Circuits, Resistive & AC Networks Analysis, Frequency Response and System Concepts, and AC Power. • Operational Amplifiers, Semiconductor and Diodes, Bipolar Junction Transistors & Field Effect Transistors: Operation, Circuit Models, and Applications, Power Electronics, Digital Logic Circuits, and Digital Systems. • Instrumentation and Communication Systems, Principles of Electromechanics, and Electric Machines.
  3. Teachnig Method
    - Students must read relevant book sections and examples before coming to class - Class progress is adjusted according to the situation - Class materials are prepared by the professor and loaded on teaching and learning support site - 3 hours a week for all the theoretical classes, students also have the opportunity to participate in class to understand questions and answers - Student should attentive and focused during professor (behavior will be observed)
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    F for poor attendance and no exams
  6. Requiments
    - None
  7. Practical application of the course
    Providing students with many reasons for choosing electrical and electronics engineering for research/career
  8. Reference