1. Course Description
    다양한 장르의 글 구성 방법을 학습하고 문장, 문단 연습을 통해 영어 작문의 기초를 다진다. 이를 통해 영어 교사로서 갖추어야 하는 영어 작문에 대한 이해와 자신감을 배양한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    After completing this class, students will be able to • develop learning strategies for writing skills • compose sentences and paragraphs for a variety of purposes • revise and improve their writing • organize ideas quickly and write within a given time frame • use appropriate sentence and paragraph structures • work collaboratively with other students to give and receive feedback on written texts
  3. Teachnig Method
    Students must attend all at least 70% of classes to receive any credit for the class. Students must turn in all assignments on the day they are due. Students must attend all class periods in which peer editing is scheduled. Students must take all in class quizzes and tests in order to pass the class.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    This is an English medium class and all students should have the ability to understand basic lectures in English and write accurate sentences in English.
  7. Practical application of the course
    Practical applications of this course include: Writing for academic purposes Writing formal letters Writing for studying abroad
  8. Reference