1. Course Description
    일반인의 건강 및 체력향상을 위한 트레이닝과 운동선수의 경기력 향상을 위한 트레이닝 방안에 대한 이론과 실제, 최신 정보를 제시하므로서 체계적이고 과학적인 트레이닝 방법론과 관련된 이론적 근거를 이해하고 이를 실제적으로 적용할 수 있는 능력을 배양토록 한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    Students will explore principles and practices of exercise training method including those for professional, amateur, and collegiate sports, recreational and club sports. Upon completion of this course, students will :
    1. Understand the principles of exercise training for sports performance in elite players
    2. Understand the principles of exercise training for health promotion in general population
    3. Understand the scientific background of exercise training, such as human anatomy, exercise physiology, sports psychology, sports nutrition, measurement and evaluation
    4. Understand the exercise training programming for physical fitness
    5. Understand the scientific background of exercise training in the consideration for growth and development following to the different stage
    6. Demonstrate and apply the knowledge of actual program to sports performance
  3. Teachnig Method
    Formal lecture and Discussion
    Small group presentation and discussion
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    Assignments are to be typed and submitted to the instructor at the beginning of class on the assigned day all late assignments will be got a penalty by the instructor.
    1. Exercise training program
    As a collective effort with small groups (3-5), students will develop a training program for elite players and general population. As a part of the exercise training program, students will conduct a needs assessment, feasibility training program, and scientific training program.
    2. Home works and Reports : Important topics relation to Nutrition, Biochemistry, Physiology for Training Program
    3. Quiz and Examination
  7. Practical application of the course
    For the job search and application
  8. Reference