1. Course Description
    국제무역은 당사자들간의 매매계약과 이에 따른 이행 그리고 이행에 따른 사후관리에 의해 이루어지고 있다. 본 과목은 계약, 이행, 사후관리에 해당하는 통일국제무역거래관습을 현장실무와 연관시켜 강의하므로 무역실무 전반에 대한 기초지식을 강의한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    After completing the course, students will be excellently able to: • Develop the skills of export Marketing know-how • Determine the different strategy of sales and entry approach • Familiarize the offer, order and nature of contract • Learn the financing and methods of payment • Identify the basic requirements for importing and exporting • Differentiate the different tariff system, marine insurance and transportation method
  3. Teachnig Method
    The university Academic and Ethical policy will govern the entire classroom system particularly with attendance, submission of requirements, dishonesty, integrity and competitive advancement
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    Students are required to do the following task in order to empower learning on the subject: 1) Frequent CTL (Edward System) checking for lecture readings and presentations 2) Submit Reaction papers on the related topic 3) Participate with Group works and reporting 4) Research Journal Analysis about Trade Policy and Theory 5) Final requirement is to submit a comparative study on the Trade Theories and present practices
  7. Practical application of the course
    The students will be given much acquaintances on the international economy that blossoming swiftly to their chosen career path. An inherent advantage of learning the concept of trading will help students capacity be developed in decision making especially economics issues to be resolved over time. More so, the students can employ the theories and policy of trading in their future entrepreneurial ventures. When the students are being equipped with right knowledge and experience with International Trade, they can use ideas in economic analysis and practical management perspectives.
  8. Reference