- Course Description
Students will study the system of implicit and explicit agreements that bind together nation-states in adherence to recognized values and standards. It will encompass public international law involving the United Nations, maritime law, international criminal law and the Geneva convention. It will also deal with private international law and supranational law concerning current regional agreements where the special distinguishing quality is that laws of nation states are held inapplicable when in conflict with a supranational legal system.
- Course Objectives
To provide students engaged in international studies with a firm background in the rules and laws that guide nation states in their relations with one another. It also focuses on the restrictions these rules and laws place on domestic state action.
- Teachnig Method
Students are expected to be on time and prepared to engage in class discussions on assigned topics. Students who are not on time for class (9:01 is late), without excuse, shall be marked late. Per KMU policy, three times late equals an absence. One unexcused absence from class will result in a half grade demrit (A+ to A0). Students who are unprepared, sleeping or speaking any language other than English, will be marked absent.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
- Practical application of the course
Students who successfully complete this course will have a sound theoretical and practical understanding of international laws and rules and thus, of the complexities that underpin international relations.
- Reference