- Course Description
This course is designed to let senior students who are able to research independently, study certain topics in international relations with a faculty member. Students who choose topics that the curriculum does not contain will consult with a faculty member on that specific area. Students should have a permit from the faculty member before registering for this course. Faculty should decide if independent study is appropriate for the subject.
- Course Objectives
1. Students will research what IR curriculum does not cover.
2. Students will research what they are really interested in.
3. Students will learn systematic reading and study scheme.
4. Students will write a critical review paper based on their reading.
- Teachnig Method
Before the course starts: Students will submit the topic and get approval from the instructor. The weekly reading list should be attached to the proposal. The instructor check the reading llst and recommend changes in reading list with approval. No approval, no course.
16 weeks: Students will start reading articles and books. There will be no class at all except for the first day. There will be a class on March 3rd. Students should come to see the instructor to discuss readings with appointments.
When students read an article, it will be counted as 1 week's assignment. In a case for a long article(more than 80 pages in English), it may be counted as 2 weeks reading. If students read a book, it will be counted as up to 4 week's assignment, depending on the books. Total 12 weeks reading is required. Korean articles or books could be included to the reading list if those are necessary for the research.
- Textbook
- Assessment
5 page review papers will be 75% of the total grade.
10 page final papers will be 25% of the total grade.
- Requiments
No freshmen or sophore will be allowed to take this course. This course is exclusively for junior and senior.
Students should get the permission for the class-taking before the end of registration day. Students who fail to get the permission will not take this class.
Permission Process
1. submit the idea of research proposal for this course. The proposal should include articulated goals of research. (though e-mail or in person)
5. I will give a permission notice orally or written.
- Practical application of the course
Students will get beneftis to prepare their thesis or research project.
- Reference