1. Course Description
    영어강좌로서 매체사진에 있어 가장 중요한 분야인 에디토리얼 다큐멘터리에 대해 탐구하고 실습한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    Learning and understanding how to create a photo story for an editorial publication (reportage and/or commercial) and how to work on a documentary photographic project. Students whom wish to work with video to create a documentarty film are also encouraged to enroll in this class. The primary focus of the class is on story building and and telling a complete story through the usage of images or video footage. Students will learn various views and expressions from historical and contemporary photographers in editorial and documentary photography of the present and past.
  3. Teachnig Method
    First of all, this is a studio and lecture class conducted in the English language - not a class to learn English. Basic English conversational skills are a must and you will be called upon to participate in critiques and give presentations in English. That being said, students are not graded based on their English ability, but on their active participation in English and developing their confidence in using the English language. It’s my hope that Korean students will have an opportunity to utilize their English language abilities in ways they wouldn’t otherwise be able to and interact with other potential international students that may join the class.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    Attendance: 10 pts. (Students receive 10 points for perfect attendence. Each absence is -2 points. 5 absences result in a failure in the class.) Final Exam: 40 pts. (Students can receive up to 40 points for their final project. A final project is a portfolio of 10 images or a 10 minute documentary film and a self designed magazine article) Assignment: 40 pts. (This class is a semester long project based class. Weekly progress towards the project will be evaluated.) Advisement 10 pts. (Students are required to meet with me individually once during the semester. Students must register on the EDWARD system to set up an appointment for an advisement session.)
  6. Requiments
    1. Basic English conversational and listening skills. 2. A professional camera to create images or record video for homework assignements. 3. Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Lightroom, and / or other image and video editing software 4. Access to Adobe InDesign or other suitable page layout program. 4. A desire to learn about editorial and documentary photographers and videographers
  7. Practical application of the course
    Developing an understanding if the importance of using basic technical skills and compositional elements to express an idea, opinion, and/or feeling with editorial and documentary photography and video. Creating various editorial and documentary stories for print publications, books, exhibitions, or online viewing. Learning about the exciting and various forms of editorial photography from reportage to commercial from past to present day photographers. Finally, learning how to creatively think about editorial photography and video.
  8. Reference