교과목 설명

Internet of Things (IoT) is presently a hot technology worldwide. Government, academia, and industry are involved in different aspects of research, implementation, and business with IoT. IoT cuts across different application domain verticals ranging from civilian to defense sectors. These domains include agriculture, space, healthcare, manufacturing, construction, water, and mining, which are presently transitioning their legacy infrastructure to support IoT. Today it is possible to envision pervasive connectivity, storage, and computation, which, in turn, gives rise to building different IoT solutions. IoT-based applications such as innovative shopping system, infrastructure management in both urban and rural areas, remote health monitoring and emergency notification systems, and transportation systems, are gradually relying on IoT based systems. Therefore, it is very important to learn the fundamentals of this emerging technology. This course will describe the market around the Internet of Things (IoT), the technology used to build these kinds of devices, how they communicate, how they store data, and the kinds of distributed systems needed to support them. Divided into four modules, we will learn by doing. We will start with simple examples and integrate the techniques we learn into a class project in which we design and build an actual IoT system.
핵심역량과 교과목의 연관성
핵심역량과 본 교육과목의 연관성을 나타낸 표입니다.
인재상 특성 핵심역량 연관성
창의적 국제인(Creative Global Citizen) 도전적개척정신
도전정신 연관
자기주도 연관없음
감성역량 연관없음
윤리적가치관 연관없음
외국어구사능력 연관
문화적포용력 연관없음
문제해결능력 매우연관
종합적전문지식 매우연관
학과(전공) 교육목표의 연관성
학과(전공) 교육목표의 연관성을 나타낸 표입니다.
학과(전공) 교육목표 연관성
신산업분야 융합적 인재 양성 연관
실무중심의 창의적 인재 양성 매우연관
협업이 가능한 소통적 인재양성 연관
전공능력과의 연관성
전공능력과의 연관성을 나타낸 표입니다.
매우연관 연관

융합적 전문지식

현장형 실무역량

도전 혁신 정신

자기 주도


윤리적 가치관

외국어 활용 능력

국제적 문화 감각