교과목 설명

This course takes a comparative approach to the region of Southeast Asia (SEA). It is designed to introduce participants to the region and to provide them with a deep understanding of its history, development, critical junctures and current challenges. SEA is a diverse and dynamic region - culturally, economically and politically. Over the past several decades the region has seen enormous economic growth but was also severely affected by the Asian financial crisis of 1997/98. Recently, some of the countries have been democratized, but all have their experience with authoritarian rule. It is a very dynamic region. Hence, the course will try to make sense of these dynamics. The course will examine the history of the region and look closely at critical junctures for the development of individual countries of SEA. In order provide participants with a broad knowledge of the countries in the region a country analysis of each country in the region will be carried out: Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam. Most of the countries in SEA are members of ASEAN. Therefore, the course will give an overview over the development of regionalism in SEA and the role which ASEAN plays in the economic and political integration of the region. One of the main objectives of this course is to provide participants with a firm understanding of the roots of modern day SEA. The historical analysis of SEA will involve the role which key figures played for the trajectory which the development in the region has taken over the last half century.
핵심역량과 교과목의 연관성
핵심역량과 본 교육과목의 연관성을 나타낸 표입니다.
인재상 특성 핵심역량 연관성
창의적 국제인(Creative Global Citizen) 도전적개척정신
도전정신 연관없음
자기주도 매우연관
감성역량 연관없음
윤리적가치관 연관
외국어구사능력 연관없음
문화적포용력 매우연관
문제해결능력 연관없음
종합적전문지식 연관
학과(전공) 교육목표의 연관성
학과(전공) 교육목표의 연관성을 나타낸 표입니다.
학과(전공) 교육목표 연관성
Ⅰ. 세계평화와 번영에 기여할 국제기구 전문가 양성 연관
Ⅱ. 국가발전과 인류의 공영에 이바지할 외교인 양성 연관
Ⅲ. 개도국의 발전을 위해 봉사할 국제개발원조의 윤리적 전문가 양성 매우연관
전공능력과의 연관성
전공능력과의 연관성을 나타낸 표입니다.
매우연관 연관

문제해결 능력


문화적 포용력

지역 전문성
