교과목 설명

For students of International Relations, it is indispensable to know about the basics of qualitative research. Qualitative research methods typically include interviews, and observations but may also include case studies, surveys, and historical and document analyses. The course Qualitative Research Method introduces participants to these methodological approaches. Qualitative research usually is conducted in a natural setting, where the environment is not intentionally manipulated by the researcher. It involves a dynamic process in which the initial research question often evolves as the study does that is carried out. Hence, it is important for a course on the qualitative research method to provide knowledge not only about the theory of qualitative research but also about its practical application. During the course, research design will be discussed based on different approaches to qualitative research. In relation to different methods for data collection and analysis, a range of methodological points of departure, the possibilities and limitations of different approaches, as well as the demands made on data collection depending on approach will be discussed. Participants will be made familiar with qualitative research methods in general and with the potential use of specific methods in International Relations and Social Science in particular. It is the goal of the course to provide participants with practical competences and skills as qualitative researchers. The participation in the course will increase their capacity for scholarly analysis and synthesis and it will allow them to review and assess new and complex phenomena, issues and situations autonomously and critically. Students will gain the ability to plan and use appropriate methods to undertake qualitative research independently. In the framework of the course each student is expected to plan and carry out his/her own research project and write a report on the research process and their findings.
핵심역량과 교과목의 연관성
핵심역량과 본 교육과목의 연관성을 나타낸 표입니다.
인재상 특성 핵심역량 연관성
창의적 국제인(Creative Global Citizen) 도전적개척정신
도전정신 연관
자기주도 연관
감성역량 연관없음
윤리적가치관 연관없음
외국어구사능력 연관없음
문화적포용력 연관없음
문제해결능력 매우연관
종합적전문지식 매우연관
학과(전공) 교육목표의 연관성
학과(전공) 교육목표의 연관성을 나타낸 표입니다.
학과(전공) 교육목표 연관성
Ⅰ. 세계평화와 번영에 기여할 국제기구 전문가 양성 매우연관
Ⅱ. 국가발전과 인류의 공영에 이바지할 외교인 양성 연관
Ⅲ. 개도국의 발전을 위해 봉사할 국제개발원조의 윤리적 전문가 양성 연관
전공능력과의 연관성
전공능력과의 연관성을 나타낸 표입니다.
매우연관 연관

자료분석 능력

문제해결 능력
