교과목 설명

The course Politics in International Trade explores the interplay between political dynamics and economic activities within the global trade landscape. The course aims to furnish students with a comprehensive understanding of how political factors significantly influence and shape international trade policies, agreements, and negotiations. The course gives an introductory overview of international trade theories, key concepts like comparative advantage, trade barriers, and globalization, as well as an in-depth analysis of the political economy of international trade, examining the relationship between politics and economics on a global scale. The curriculum delves into major trade agreements and organizations, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), European Union (EU), and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), elucidating the intricacies of negotiation processes and the political considerations underpinning these agreements. Moreover, the course addresses the impact of national interests, political ideologies, and domestic politics on trade policies, featuring case studies that illuminate the role of governments in either promoting or restricting international trade. The exploration extends to the realm of political risk, assessing factors such as geopolitical conflicts, sanctions, and political instability that can influence and shape global trade scenarios. Furthermore, the course investigates strategies employed by businesses and governments to manage political risks effectively. Additionally, the course scrutinizes the role of interest groups, lobbying, and political influence in shaping trade policies, with a focus on how businesses, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other stakeholders advocate for their interests in the international trade arena. Discussions delve into the broader theme of global governance and trade, studying the functions of international organizations in regulating and overseeing global trade activities. The course also considers the challenges and opportunities associated with establishing a fair and equitable global trade system. Other integral components include an examination of the impact of international trade on economic development and inequality, analyzing policies aimed at fostering inclusive and sustainable development through trade. The course encompasses discussions on emerging issues in international trade, such as digital trade, climate change, and public health crises. This involves an examination of evolving trends and challenges within the global trade landscape, providing students with a contemporary understanding of the subject matter. It offers students a comprehensive and nuanced perspective on the intricate relationship between politics and international trade.
핵심역량과 교과목의 연관성
핵심역량과 본 교육과목의 연관성을 나타낸 표입니다.
인재상 특성 핵심역량 연관성
창의적 국제인(Creative Global Citizen) 도전적개척정신
도전정신 매우연관
자기주도 연관없음
감성역량 연관
윤리적가치관 연관없음
외국어구사능력 연관없음
문화적포용력 연관
문제해결능력 매우연관
종합적전문지식 연관없음
학과(전공) 교육목표의 연관성
학과(전공) 교육목표의 연관성을 나타낸 표입니다.
학과(전공) 교육목표 연관성
Ⅰ. 세계평화와 번영에 기여할 국제기구 전문가 양성 연관
Ⅱ. 국가발전과 인류의 공영에 이바지할 외교인 양성 매우연관
Ⅲ. 개도국의 발전을 위해 봉사할 국제개발원조의 윤리적 전문가 양성 연관
전공능력과의 연관성
전공능력과의 연관성을 나타낸 표입니다.
매우연관 연관


문제해결 능력

국제적 윤리성
