교과목 설명

The course European Union Politics delves into the intricate political landscape of the European Union (EU), aiming to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the political dynamics within this supranational entity. The course encompasses an introduction to the historical context and evolution of the EU, elucidating its foundations and the political motivations that led to its formation. Specific contents include an examination of the institutional structure of the EU, detailing the roles and functions of key institutions such as the European Commission, European Parliament, and European Council. The curriculum explores the decision-making processes within the EU, emphasizing the complexities of policy formulation and the balance of power among member states. Furthermore, the course analyzes the political and economic integration within the EU, studying the impact of common policies, such as the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the Single Market, on member states. It also delves into the challenges and debates surrounding issues of sovereignty, federalism, and the balance between national and EU-level governance. The study of EU politics extends to an examination of political parties and interest groups operating at both the European and national levels. This includes an exploration of the European party system and its influence on EU policymaking. Additionally, the course addresses the role of lobbying and advocacy within the EU political arena. Moreover, the curriculum covers the enlargement process of the EU, assessing the political implications of admitting new member states and the associated challenges. It also explores the impact of Brexit on EU politics, analyzing the negotiation process and the repercussions for both the UK and the remaining EU member states. An integral part of the course involves discussions on EU foreign policy, examining how the EU engages with global affairs and the dynamics of its diplomatic relations. It includes case studies on significant events and crises, such as the Eurozone crisis and migration challenges, offering insights into the EU's response mechanisms. The course incorporates discussions on the future of the EU, considering issues of democratic legitimacy, the potential for further integration, and the adaptation of EU institutions to contemporary challenges. Students are expected to gain a nuanced understanding of the political dimensions shaping the EU and its role in the global political landscape.
핵심역량과 교과목의 연관성
핵심역량과 본 교육과목의 연관성을 나타낸 표입니다.
인재상 특성 핵심역량 연관성
창의적 국제인(Creative Global Citizen) 도전적개척정신
도전정신 매우연관
자기주도 연관없음
감성역량 연관없음
윤리적가치관 연관
외국어구사능력 연관없음
문화적포용력 연관
문제해결능력 연관없음
종합적전문지식 매우연관
학과(전공) 교육목표의 연관성
학과(전공) 교육목표의 연관성을 나타낸 표입니다.
학과(전공) 교육목표 연관성
Ⅰ. 세계평화와 번영에 기여할 국제기구 전문가 양성 매우연관
Ⅱ. 국가발전과 인류의 공영에 이바지할 외교인 양성 연관
Ⅲ. 개도국의 발전을 위해 봉사할 국제개발원조의 윤리적 전문가 양성 연관
전공능력과의 연관성
전공능력과의 연관성을 나타낸 표입니다.
매우연관 연관

지역 전문성


문제해결 능력

문화적 포용력
